ReWalk - Walk again: Argo's Exoskeleton Technology



     The technology is amazing!! The Rewalk Argo's Exoskeleton is offering the ability for individuals to walk again!! The technology is just short of the Bionic Man's abilities!! For some who have lower limb paralysis or a disabling condition in which they have no control over their lower limbs, the ability to walk has now become a possibility again. It is a lot of work to learn to walk again but for some it will mean the world to them. The possibilities are basically endless with this technology because this is just the beginning of the road to recovery for some. Repetitive motion has been shown to have positive effects to some as the muscles receiving the motion trigger something in the body which enables messages to start going through the spinal cord once again. Now this is not a proven science but the movement of the muscles in the same way one was using them to walk before is sometimes remembered somehow and movement is sometimes regained. Just the ability to stand up is very beneficial to the body as the circulation of blood and weight bearing on the bones helps with bone density. The body is meant to be in an upright position letting gravity has its effects on the digestive and circulatory systems.

    The technology is expensive and for most will be nothing more than a dream and a hope..... for now, but who knows what the future holds. For some that have been in the chair for a while the bone density night not be strong enough to support the weight of the body. Ostio-porosis or weakening of the joints, or bone deformity from being set in a position for too long, all might have complications if one is planning on trying the Exoskeleton. Not that I'm trying to discourage anyone because I think the  ability to walk again would be awesome, but I just want people to be aware these problems might pose a problem. But the Exoskeleton has been used to walk and even climb stairs with the proper practice. It is incredible technology and I'm very interested in what the future holds for the disabled who have lost the ability to walk. I for one would not mind trying it but the practicality for me I don't think is there as it would take too long to put on, be too slow, and just be too cumbersome for me. I'm ok with being in the wheelchair as I have accepted life as it is, not that I would turn it down if it was offered to me, but putting my life on hold to do therapy to move at a snails pace compared to how fast I can get around now just doesn't interest me. Well that's just my opinion, I have been in the chair for 24 years, kinda stubborn, and set in my ways, but that's just me. :-)

    In bowling this week the Grantman got a break as I did not bowl this week because I cracked a crown I had on my tooth and had to get it repaired. He bowled pretty good though with games of 148 121 146 for a 415 series. So maybe it was just fate letting me take a break this week and not get beat again this week! Good bowling Grant I'll be back next week!!    


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