Nightmare in Sochi already for Paralympian?? :-)

Help I'm stuck and can't get out!!
:-) Well sports fans it has happened again! When the Olympian Johnny Quinn got stuck in the locked bathroom we thought the bathroom nightmare had ended!! Well we were oh so wrong! Yes the terror has happened again, this time to Paralympian Steve Cash, who was once again faced with the possibility of solitary confinement in a bathroom!! :-) I know its funny now but if you have ever been faced with a door that malfunctions at the wrong time and you have no other way out but to scream for help and face the bitter truth that you were stuck in a bathroom, you would know what I mean!! Johnny Quinn took matters into his own hands and demolished the bathroom he was in, but our hero and hopefully gold medalist Steve Cash held it together and waited for the rescue of fellow Paralympians!! Well Steve will have a story to tell regardless of the games as he has already had a flood of emotions! You can see the whole story here at MsnFoxsports It was a very good story and brought a smile to my face as the pictures show the exciting escape.
    Well if you didn't know the Paralympics opening ceremony is tomorrow and our Paralympians are ready to do their best to bring home the GOLD!!! I ask you all to bow your heads as I say this prayer, "Dear lord please grant the Paralympians from all the other countries the grace, humility and understanding of the royal butt kicking they are about to receive courtesy of the USA!!" No just kidding I wish nothing but the best for all the Paralympians from all over the world that are there to represent their country and show the world that they are athletes in every right. May they have the best effort they can perform and may the best man or woman compete to the best of their capabilities. I hope that they have compassion for each other and become long lasting friends and realize we are all the same but with different disabilities. Lets celebrate their abilities and support them all as they compete!!
   This week in bowling I finally can report that I beat the Grantman as he had games of 150, 126, 106 for a 382 to my 106, 147, 166 for a 419!! Yay I finally have bragging rights again!! Well that's all for this week should have a Blog this weekend of the presentation I did at Lehi Jr high School, hopefully if the pictures are sent to me! Take care gang!! 

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