Mean people?

Stupid computer viruses!!!

Mean people??

   We had a computer virus that has kinda sidelined my posts for a bit. Hopefully we got it all taken care of. Not to worry about any of my posts here at blogspot cause they have virus protection. So hopefully I will be posting more blogs as long as my computer doesn't lock up. Sometimes I don't understand people, why do people have to screw with others? Is it a birth defect or some mental wiring defect that makes someone want to be so mean to mess up someone else's life. I guess I'll never understand. Well gang look for more blogs in the future. On a side note I'm making my new year schedule for speaking. If you have a group you want me to come and present to let me know! I speak about issues on drinking and driving, making sure your designated driver hasn't been drinking, getting out of ruts, and getting a more positive attitude in your work, family, and marriage!

1 comment:

  1. It is very nice of you to offer speeches. Thanks. If any of our family members come across a need we shall get in touch with you.
    Why are people mean. Well some attribute that to wrong up bringing and some to being teased in the first place. I do know people who were tesed in childhood and yet turned out to be terrific. I guess we all have to educate each other and help find reasons for people's problems including bad behavior. Hopefully we can get answers. May be not in my life time, but my kid's' life time..
