Passing of friends.

   One thing I'll never get used to since I have been in the wheelchair is the passing of very close friends. It hurts so much to see friends leave this earth but I know that they are free from their own personal prisons. Being disabled in a body that doesn't work the way it was meant to is tough and the hope that you soon will be whole again is something the disabled strive for. With all the different disabilities I have come to know its still hard to become friends, knowing that that person might not be with us that long. But maybe your that person that is just who they need to help them continue on. One thing in life that is guaranteed you will not get out of here alive! Yes we all must die it is the one thing we all know will happen, but we must live life to the fullest, and leave this earth with no regrets. So to all my dear friends that have passed before me I say this " until we meet again dear friend, I will not forget the friendship we have had!" And to all the friends who are suffering and their time is coming to an end, I look at them with great respect as they prepare for their next journey. I hope I am able to die with dignity as I have seen so many of my friends pass away with, they inspire me. The passing of friends, until we meet again!!!

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