Wheelchair bowling competition!

     Well we get Sunday's off from the A to Z challenge. So many people have asked me about my little competition with the Grantman, Grant Buehler, so I decided to blog about our competition! This week the Grantman had some problems. He started out good with a 140 game then his injury that he got earlier in the week got the best of him and he only shot 103 the second game. Unable to throw the ball without extreme pain he decided not to bowl the third game. He made a bad transfer and injured his shoulder when getting out of bed. My question was what's her name and was it worth getting hurt? :-) Well my games were a little better than his but I did get beat the first game as I only shot 117 but came back with a 151 and a 141. So for the two games we did bowl I was able to sneak past him. Get better Grant cause we have a new request this week.
    Another wheelchair bowler by the name of Kevin Schaefer has asked to get in on our little competition. Since we only have like three weeks left I don't think it would be a problem. Kevin does have a higher average than me and Grant but I think we are up for the challenge! Kevin bowls on Friday nights, Grant on Monday, and I bowl on Tuesdays. All three of us bowl from the chair and are really competitive! Well Kevin laid down the scores for Friday night of 148 167 157 for a 472 set. He is averaging 129 in his league so me and the Grantrman have our work cut out for us!! It's a friendly competition for bragging rights through the next week! Grant has helped my game as I have only been averaging in the low 120's but since we started our competition I have been averaging around 140. Well I will let you know the results on Wednesday, until then keep practicing Grantman and get better!

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