More I want more!

   In this day and age of infinite data at our fingers touch it's very easy to be wanting more!! What happened to being satisfied with just a little? Technology is the answer! With the leaps and bounds that technology has taken it is very easy to get caught up in the More, More, More type of thinking. We are all so tied up in deadlines and being on time that we seldom take time for ourselves. Well instead of saying more more more lets take a step back and say "that's ok i don't need anymore". It would definitely help with the waistlines if we simply said that. And how much is too much? I myself was doing a cub scout project and we bought two cans of icing for a cake I was supposed to make. Not ever making a cake before I had no idea that all that frosting wasn't needed. So being a young 10 year old I proceeded to eat the rest of both cans of frosting! Talk about one sick kid!! To this day I can only eat one piece of cake without being sugared out. So the concept of More More More was removed from my mind at an early age! Maybe that's the secret, let the person have more more more until they get sick of whatever they wanted and find themselves not needing or even wanting it anymore!! Well that just an idea, we can all be hogs and take everything we can get our hands on or we can say, nah I don't need anymore! :-)   

1 comment:

  1. True. Sometimes we need to get too much before we learn what is enough. Someday we might all learn moderation (though I think maybe not).
