My Dad fought in the Vietnam war and is a veteran. He taught me a lot about honor service and sacrifice. With the wars that are ongoing we are getting more and more veterans and disabled veterans coming home. I was in the airport just after 9/11 and a national guardsman getting ready to catch a flight got into the elevator with me. I felt so blessed that this man who was either getting ready to deploy or was just coming home was protecting my freedom. I simply reached out my hand and gave him a heart felt thank you and hand shake, and felt nothing but respect for his service. You may be against war, against fighting, against the president, and against killing, but you would not be able to be against anything if it wasn't for our veterans who have fought in wars to insure your freedom. They are on guard for you and have served our country with pride and determination. Yes some gave the ultimate sacrifice of their life so that you can have your voice in our country. Others that have come home wounded are heroes in my eyes and I try to thank them every chance I get. So the next time you see a man or woman in uniform please please please thank them for their time and service, they need to know that this great nation of ours truly appreciates their sacrifice for our country!     

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