Understanding and acceptance

   We all have problems but its the understanding of each others problems we have a hard time at. Many times we think we have the answer and think the other person just can't see the answer. Well sometimes it just not black and white, sometimes there are variables that we are not aware of. You have to be able to listen to someone and truly hear their dilemma and try to put yourself in their shoes to finally understand. Having big shoulders doesn't hurt either when someone needs to bend your ear. Maybe that person is not wanting you to solve their problem they just need to vent and get it out into the open to begin to try to figure things out. Just having compassion for someone else might be all they need. Remember these four things when understanding is asked of you.
  1. Their problem is a challenge in their life that they are telling you about not just for your help but maybe to get your feelings on it.
  2. However small it might be it could be a mountain to that other person.
  3. Sometimes listening is all they need 
  4. Just being there for that person in their time of need shows true friendship
  So don't jump to conclusions when someone tells you about their problem. Try to be supportive and offer help when you think they are needing it. Just open your ears and mind to understand and accept their dilemma might be just what the doctor ordered! Pets are awesome to tell your problems to if you don't want to hear someones attempt at solving your problem. They will listen and not say a word but offer a paw like the dog in the picture to say "hey I understand!" :-)     

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