Ok now what?

   Ok Now What?

        There comes a time in your life when you are faced with that question! As I laid there in the bed in the hospital finally out of my drug induced coma, reality had hit me square in the face, Ok Now What? The Doctor had just left the room saying that I will never walk again, "son your paralyzed" The reality had set in I have totally messed up my life. Not able to walk or do the things I love, I cried myself to sleep that night, asking what have I done? People ask how did you have the strength to go on and I simply told them it was the support from my family that helped me get through. They were my biggest fans and always had words of encouragement. I had a choice to make I could just roll over and quit on life or I could make the best of what I have and continue on. Well life didn't quit on me so why should I quit on life. So the answer to Ok now what? Was "Wait and see!" I had to prove to myself and to others that I was not going to quit and let this accident take my zest for life away, instead I was going to take it head on with sheer determination and make it a life worth living. You can do it too, it just takes telling yourself that you are stronger than whatever is troubling you and you will succeed. I'm nobody special but I know that the inner strength in all of us is an unbelievable untapped source of energy that is waiting and wanting to come out!! So let it out people, and if your afraid of failure, the only failure would be that you didn't try!! It's your life make it what you want it to be!!


  1. You are so inspirational to me and to many others Ken! thank you for everything you have taught me in my job and personal life. I am so glad we have met and not only became colleauges but friends... you are one great person.Thank you again!

    1. Wow thanks Ms. Tiffany!! I consider you a good friend too! thanks!

  2. What an inspiring post! And I can tell by browsing your other ones that you are quite the inspirational speaker. Thank you! We need more of that in the world.

    I found you thanks to the A-Z Challenge! Nice to "meet" you! Enjoy the rest of the alphabet :)


    1. Thanks Ms. Jen! I need followers is what I need1 :-) But it has been fun doing the A to Z challenge!!

  3. Thanks Ken for that! you truly are great. :-) keep up the great work in everything that you are doing beacause you are doing a wonderfulo job at it all!
