Wheelchair Bowling

  Wheelchair Bowling

   Many of you that follow my blog know that I was a professional bowler before a car accident left me a T4 T5 paraplegic and in a wheelchair. My love for bowling never left me and the thrill of competition was boiling in my body still. I started bowling from the wheelchair back in the summer of 1990. Newly injured my first game was a 10, I knew there was only one way up from there! My injuries to my arm where supposed to prevent me from ever bowling with my right arm again. But I regained full use of it and pursued bowling with a passion! It hurt like heck when I first started but in time the pain went away, and now I am pain free except when I bowl bad! :-) My average in my first full league I competed in was a 48. I bowled in my first tournament that year and won first prize. I incrementally kept gaining in average and each tournament I bowled in I either won or came in the top five or cashed each time. It was good to win tournaments again and just thrill of competition kept me going. I now average around130 in the chair and have won the Eastern Regional tournament twice, the Virginia North Carolina tournament, and just recently won the City tournament with my team this past winter. The message I am trying to tell you today is to not let your passion get away from you. Things change in life and detours and road blocks are going to be in your way. You have to find a way to overcome them and excel in any way possible to hold on to your passion. When I first started out I was told I couldn't do it, but if I would have listened I wouldn't have enjoyed a sport I love. What have you been told you can't do and have you tried it, if not why not? Failure is only a minor setback and an opportunity for another chance. If you learn from your failures, success won't be far behind!

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