Walking Dead Withdrawal

  Ok I'll admit it I am a Walking Dead addict! I'm going through Walking Dead withdrawal!! I can't wait for the next season to begin. I got hooked on Falling Sky's which starts here soon, but I'm really needing my weekly Walking Dead fix!! Falling Sky's is kool about the skidders and the battle for earth but the Walking Dead's battle is amongst the dead and themselves!! Who is going to be killed next what mind blowing drama will unfold this season, and will someone finally kill the Governor and have a new leader emerge. All questions I'm dying to see! Why can't they go year round shows I'm sure they would have the viewers!!! :-) Well alas we must wait and be teased about what the future holds for the living and the Walking Dead! I for one am hooked and I will admit I am a Walking Dead Addict!!
      For the people following my bowling I started my summer league with games of 145 136 138 for a 419 set, setting a 139 average. Will be practicing this summer to get ready for the Las Vegas tournament in December. Plan to take no prisoners and bring home the title this year!! Still looking for sponsors to go let me know if you would like to sponsor or know of somebody!! :-)

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