Why are you in a wheelchair?

Why are you in a wheelchair? One of the most asked questions I get! No I'm not offended by the question, as a matter of fact I answer it all the time and make a note to tell them to wear their seat belt and always make sure your designated driver has nothing to drink! So I explain the accident and the things that led up to it and try to help people not make the same mistakes I made that fateful night. Some people don't want to answer the question because maybe they have not accepted why they are in a chair, or maybe they are ashamed of what happened. a way to check if they are willing to share is to ask "If you don't mind can a I ask you what happened to you?" This gives the individual the chance to let you know what happened or to say they would rather not talk about it. If they say that please drop the subject cause there might be some underlying circumstances that they don't want to share. For me it opens up a dialog with that person and a way to make new friends!!

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